Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We'll Never Be Friends Again...

And we're back!!! Ladies and gents this was an awesome premiere! I had more than a few laugh out loud omg moments tonight! With the Olympics going on I feel as if we should support our teams... so here we go!

Team Spencer... yes I am starting with this one! I know I swore I would never support this guy... but come on... the moment you saw him and Holly sitting on the couch after HH was talking about how she had to rush home cause she hadn't told either of them that the other would be there was PRICELESS!!! I think Spencer had more than enough reasons to be a little miffed!!! 

Team Heidi... and just like that we remember the reasons why we hate this guy!! Holly made a breakfast "just for him" and he is a complete asshole!!! "Don't wake me up???" Dude slept til noon and then went right back to bed!! Heidi do not defend this guy with he's just grumpy!!

Team Audrina... it's HER birthday!! She is allowed to invite whomever she likes! Even if they have giant pink mohawks!! Bitchiest comment of the night goes to Lo "weelll... guess we just have to enjoy the company that comes" the look that LC shot her will go down as one of the greatest in Hills history!!

Team Lo... okay guys say what you will... i HEART Lo!!! She has been there since the Laguna days and whether or not she is a bitch now she as always added MUCH comic relief.  She went with good intentions to talk to Audrina and Audrina said flat out that she just doesn't care. Even after she told Audrina she wanted to be friends with her! Go get your own place Audrina!

Team Spencer... and we're back to him! OMG... I hate saying he EVER has the right to be pissed... but I have to side with him on the whole letting Holly stay with them. They are just back together!!! Having a sibling... who doesn't like you... stay with you for even a week is poison.

Team Brody... I know! I know! It is wishful thinking... but this Doug is a douche!! First... he ordered a Stella... come on. Stella?!?! That is a girl's beer. Sorry guys if you like it.... but it is. We call it the champagne of beer. Light weight. Second... what the HELL did he have on at the BBQ??? He did know that he was going to be around other people AND that he would be on television!!! 

Okay... that's it! I am so glad to be back!!! But even more excited that our drama filled friends are back!!!  The previews for the season look awesome and I am looking forward to my Monday ritual!!!


1 comment:

ER said...

OMG. I just watched it last night, and Heidi just sucks. Giving her sister an LA makeover??? Gross. Also, did anyone notice how the sister has their mom's face?? It's spooky.