Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Drama Follows Them

Ummmm... so I am beginning to think that I have a sick, weird, twisted sense of humor when it comes to this show! I can not help it... but for some reason I laugh at the most inappropriate awkward moments! And I am not talking about just a chuckle... I am talking about sitting on the couch by myself laughing until I almost have tears running down my face then let out a HUGE sigh at the end to catch my breath!  By the end of the episode I was a little bit scared of myself... cause I know it is totally not normal... nor did ANYONE laugh as hard as I did... but it is what it is! here were my LOL moments....

1) douchebag doug getting turned down cause lauren had to go to work instead of "going to do something" oy!
2) the quote about the blondes verses the brunettes. i don't think even audrina knew how to respond to that it was so dumb!!!
3) heidi trying to give her reason as to why she wanted to go to she pratt's birthday party without actually saying "hey fuck face... she is the only person left in LA besides your sorry ass that wants to have anything to do with me... so i would kind of like a night out of the apartment!" yes... i dropped the f'bomb... its a first in my 12 months of posting... but omg... sometimes you have to call it like you see it!
4) rock. hard place. insert LC! getting ready for a hot night out on the town is stressful enough... but when your two best friends hate each other and are shooting the worst go to hell looks ever it is so TOTALLY awkward... probably the most awkward of the night... and I couldn't stop laughing! something is wrong with me!!!!!!!!
5) the dinner... oh the dinner! The look on Whitney's face was as if she had just seen Kelly ACTUALLY bitch slap Jessica from the LA store to the NYC store. It was priceless! Poor thing... I heart Whitney so much and she had to have been so uncomfortable in that moment. again... i choose to laugh!
6)"can't we all just get along" "we are all just getting along" "well we're not ALL getting along" "well those of us that matter are getting along".... silence because I am trying to catch my breath.
7) "you look pretty... i'm glad we chatted" audrina sits in total amusement and astonishment. my friend caroline says she is proud of audrina for not responding... i just think the music was too loud and she was in shock that someone called her pretty with her clothes on. harsh... but reality bites.
8) balloons? seriously? balloons? and a tiny chocolate cake to boot... i mean i know you are having issues with your sister and all... but balloons? seriously?
9) this is the BEST birthday ever!!! duuuuuuuuude don't jinx it!!!! next thing ya know you're sittin' all by your lonesome on an oversized couch in an overpriced club with nobody there to buy you a birthday shot... cause the fuck face to your left and his blow up doll brought you balloons and a chocolate cake and they are dunzo for the night!
10) if spencer and stephanie weren't brother and sister then WE would all be so sad cause we would not get awesome reactions like this "as long as you are rolling with that posse then i don't want to have anything to do with you. and that is straight up"
11) clean up aisle 5... clean up on aisle 5.  i thought Whitney was going to hurl all over Kelly when she said she probably shouldn't make plans for the next few months!
12) last but not least... does ANYONE believe the bs that she pratt was shoveling down LC's throat about not knowing that the terrible twosome was going to be there??? it literally made me laugh out loud!!!

ok... so you got at two for one special tonight and i am whipped. probably lots of typos... but i am too drained to even check... just read around them and use your own colorful thoughts if mine don't make any sense. but i will leave you on one final note... has anyone noticed that the commercial time is getting longer as are the "shots around town." true we get to hear lots of great music that way... but i swear there was hardly any "plot time" tonight! we'll compare next week... until then...


LO 101

Ok. Before I start on last night's episode I feel as if I should address the BACKLASH that I received in stating that I am a LO fan. Yes it is true... I might eat my words later on, but for right now I will defend her until the end! Yes, I know that on occasion she has been a little bit of a nasty mean bitch that only Heidi could rival... but I do, I love her. And in case you need a refresher course... or if you are joining this program that is already in progress... here are the reasons that I do HEART Lo!!!

1) just a few of her memorable quotes from Laguna AND the hills... 
a) her response after LC states that she doesn't want to marry steeeeephen.... "why? he's cute. you'd have pretty babies."
b) you whorebag!
c) ohhhhh... those aren't cigarette poofs!
d) mocking kristen... "ste-phan"
e) morgan has the same dress on as me... she's a whore!
f) oh... he should probably be your boyfriend by now!
g) lauren... i think justin bobby is mad at us!
           these are just to name a FEW!!!
2) she ALWAYS has LC's back! and i must say... she tells LC when a bad egg is around. she didn't like kristen, she didn't like jen bunney, she didn't like heidi, she doesn't like she pratt and they have ALL screwed her in some form or fashion... i'm just saying... maybe she has to be there to weed out the bad one's for LC!
3) she is on TEAM BRODY!
4) she made out with Frankie!!! She took a little time out of setting up the BFF to enjoy Vegas on her own! Love it! Respect it!
5)the greatest words that have EVER plummeted out of LC's mouth came because of LO.... "i just saw lo's britney!!!!" may be Klassy with a K.... but classy no less!!!
6) HELLOOOOOOOOOOO she alone is responsible for coining the name "justin bobby"... and come on... where would we all be without being able to say the name justin bobby!!!! it brings a smile to my face every time i say it!!!

So agree or disagree... i care not! i just want those of you who think i am HORRIBLE person for liking this girl to understand the reasons why i do... oh... and i totally know that i could NEVER be the bitch that she is so i live vicariously thru her!!!! 


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We'll Never Be Friends Again...

And we're back!!! Ladies and gents this was an awesome premiere! I had more than a few laugh out loud omg moments tonight! With the Olympics going on I feel as if we should support our teams... so here we go!

Team Spencer... yes I am starting with this one! I know I swore I would never support this guy... but come on... the moment you saw him and Holly sitting on the couch after HH was talking about how she had to rush home cause she hadn't told either of them that the other would be there was PRICELESS!!! I think Spencer had more than enough reasons to be a little miffed!!! 

Team Heidi... and just like that we remember the reasons why we hate this guy!! Holly made a breakfast "just for him" and he is a complete asshole!!! "Don't wake me up???" Dude slept til noon and then went right back to bed!! Heidi do not defend this guy with he's just grumpy!!

Team Audrina... it's HER birthday!! She is allowed to invite whomever she likes! Even if they have giant pink mohawks!! Bitchiest comment of the night goes to Lo "weelll... guess we just have to enjoy the company that comes" the look that LC shot her will go down as one of the greatest in Hills history!!

Team Lo... okay guys say what you will... i HEART Lo!!! She has been there since the Laguna days and whether or not she is a bitch now she as always added MUCH comic relief.  She went with good intentions to talk to Audrina and Audrina said flat out that she just doesn't care. Even after she told Audrina she wanted to be friends with her! Go get your own place Audrina!

Team Spencer... and we're back to him! OMG... I hate saying he EVER has the right to be pissed... but I have to side with him on the whole letting Holly stay with them. They are just back together!!! Having a sibling... who doesn't like you... stay with you for even a week is poison.

Team Brody... I know! I know! It is wishful thinking... but this Doug is a douche!! First... he ordered a Stella... come on. Stella?!?! That is a girl's beer. Sorry guys if you like it.... but it is. We call it the champagne of beer. Light weight. Second... what the HELL did he have on at the BBQ??? He did know that he was going to be around other people AND that he would be on television!!! 

Okay... that's it! I am so glad to be back!!! But even more excited that our drama filled friends are back!!!  The previews for the season look awesome and I am looking forward to my Monday ritual!!!
