Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Girls Night Out

Oh the drama tonight was AWESOME! I love it when we get in a good Spencer/Heidi fight!!!!! So here we go. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of it all...

The Good: Ah... the girls night. A sacred tradition in which girls get together for food, fun and well to get d-runk! Boys will be boys, but girls... girls can be bad on a night like this.
The Bad: She Pratt told Spencer where they were going. She will no longer be included in girls night.
The Ugly: The moment Spencer walked in you knew it was going to get soooo ugly! The last thing the girls want is for their night to be busted up by an ex.

The Good: Heidi could win an academy award for that "i'm so mad" performance! ok... not really, but I actually thought for a minute she was really surprised that Spencer was there.
The Bad: Spencer's attempt to flirt with those girls. I'm with the skanky girls... be a man... shoot the tequila! Don't sip on the damn shot!
The Ugly: The look that the skanky girls gave Heidi as they walked by during Spencer and Heidi's fight. I thought the one girl's eyes were going to get stuck in the back of her head she rolled them so hard.

The Good: Audrina told LC that she met up with Heidi to have drinks. She's being honest and has nothing to hide.
The Bad: Audrina told LC that she met up with Heidi to have drinks. Girl should have just kept that info to herself!!!!
The Ugly: LC's ability to cut Audrina at the knees by saying the only reason Heidi wants to be friends with her is to get back at Lauren. Ouch.

The Good: LC got some real world work experience and it paid off.
The Bad: The realization that she now has a real job. Welcome to the real world... well as real as its gonna get for you.
The Ugly: Jessica is sooooo getting fired and she knows it!

The Good: Best line of the night goes to... as much as I hate it... Spencer. "In the real world a "relationship vacation" is a break up!" finally some common sense in this relationship!
The Bad: Spencer's attempt to defend his "saying hello" to the skanky girls.
The Ugly: Heidi's fake white nails. She wouldn't be able to get thru airport security with those weapons. Geez.

I already know what my favorite moment for next week's episode is going to be, but I won't share... until then.



ER said...

Forget Heidi's skanky finger nails...I think her clothes in the episode were straight up Dairy Queen. Especially with her frosted lipstick.

Tara said...

I read a lot of blogs and yours is by far MY FAVORITE!!! I love it!