Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Just Be Careful...

So while I do love getting to see two episodes each week... the whole having to post twice in one day kind of takes a toll on my brain. This one is going to be short, sweet and to the point. Here were my favorite moments of the episode.

1) LC's still in the closet! How sad did she look in that intern closet all by herself. She must be bored out of her freaking mind!! Does she not get a new buddy to play with? At least let her bring in her puppy or something. Gaw!!!

2) Audrina being left on the couch all by herself to handle Heidi! Haha. How awkward was that moment! Literally all her friends got up and left her. And yes, I realize it was probably staged cause they wanted to get the convo on tape, but it just looked so funny. Audrina just does not handle pressure well!

3) Whitney needs to watch what she eats and drinks at work from now on... never know when Jessica might slip her something. I am so very proud that Kelly likes Whitney and her ideas, but OMG I thought Jessica was going to have her head at the meeting. Upstaging your boss is a good way to have the job from hell!!!!

4) Oh oh oh!!! The she pratt just couldn't wait to stir that pot the day after seeing Audrina. I wonder if she got any sleep that night at all or if she stayed up just thinking about how she was going to approach LC?!?! Trouble... maker!!

5) Audrina needs to learn to take up for herself! Twice she let LC walk all over her. If I had been the one sitting on that couch with LC I would have lost it! What makes LC being friends with the she pratt any different than Heidi being friends with Audrina. And... the only reason she wants to be friends with her is to get back at LC??? Oh I would have been like "please don't flatter yourself honey." And Heidi stayed in the apartment for like 2.5 seconds. Sorry for the tangent, but I think LC could have been a little more gracious.

6) No Spencer! I could be having a totally next morning relapse, but I don't think he was in the second episode at all!!

Ok. So there you go. All in all tonight was pretty great!! Can't wait til next week when Heidi catches Spencer and his many women. Until then...


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